AMAP Forum 2021

AMAP - the R&D Aluminum Cluster at RWTH Aachen University - would like to thank more than 180 listeners from 15 nations for their participation. A large number of interesting presentations provided an insight into the activities along the entire value chain of aluminum materials from raw material to application
In the following section you will find a list of the individual sessions with the respective topics. By clicking on the respective session, you will automatically be taken to the corresponding press release. Alternatively, you can also download it as a PDF in the section below.
You can download the program here
AMAP Forum 2021 - Presentations
Introduction (Keynote Speech)
Applied research for advanced aluminum materials for new applications
Presenter: Philippe Meyer
Novelis read more
Challenges in removal of dissolved and dispersed Impurities
Bernd Friedrich
IME RWTH Aachen University read more
Aluminum Recycling in the Context of Process and Product Efficiency
Presenter: Georg Rombach
Hydro read more
New applications of Al in mobility, packaging, architecture and electronics
Presenter: Marius Baader
GDA read more
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Day I
Session I - Alloy development and improved Properties
Predicting casting properties from casting through heat treatment.
Presenter: Marc Schneider | Fengxin Mao
MAGMA Gießereitechnologie read more
Simulation of Microstructure and Yield Stress during Natural Aging and Artificial Aging in Al-Mg-Si Alloys
Presenter: Fabrice Wagner | Christian Bollmann | Thiemo Brüggemann
IBF | Alvance | Hydro read more
Understanding the effect of deformation on the intergranular corrosion of Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys
Presenter: Roland Müller-Jena
KKS read more
Session II - Melt Treatment Melt Cleanliness
Ultrasonic Particle Detector for non-metallic inclusions
Presenter: FriederikeFeikus
GI (Foundry Institute RWTHAachen University) read more
Technology of 3-dimensional visualization of non-metallic inclusions in aluminum alloys
Presenter: Markus Heneka
RJL Micro & Analytic GmbH
Melt cleaning and melt cleanliness analysis with Foseco technology
Presenter: Wolfram Stets
Foseco read more
The collaborative Research Center SFB 920-Results of Al-filter development and their Implementation Potential
Presenter: Christos G. Aneziris
TUBergakademieFreiberg read more
Day 2
Session III - Green processing and Metal recycling
Life Cycle Assessment for E-Cars
Presenter: Dinesh Thirunavukkarasu
ika RWTH Aachen University read more
Aluminum Recycling and Technology at TRIMET -a Technical Overview
Presenter: Jan Steglich
Trimet Aluminium SE read more
From aluminum scrap melting furnace to recycling plant - 100 years of development
Presenter: Dominik Schröder
LOItenova read more
Session IV - Applications and Market
Lightweight Solutions for Battery Trays and Structural Components
Presenter: Christoph Viechtbauer
Nemak Europe GmbH read more
The new HDF technology -New chapter of sheet metal forming has been opened
Presenter: Peter Amborn
HoDforming GmbH read more
Architecture: Sustainable Metal Construction
Presenter: Markus Kuhnhenne
Institute of Steel Construction RWTH